The Culture Shock Foundation has been working since 2010 to advance the creative and professional development of individuals working in NGOs and GLAM, especially women and LGBTQ+ individuals, contributing to sustainability, inclusivity, and innovation in the NGO, cultural and creative sectors.
Our mission is to support the building and development of self-awareness, creativity and digital skills to strengthen the resilience of people and organizations to the dynamic changes taking place in today’s world.
To this end, we create educational and cultural events (workshops, trainings, conferences), design digital products (e-courses, mobile and web applications).
At the core of our activities is a holistic approach — we pay attention to the potential that lies within people, the environment in which they live and the technologies they use.
Our interdisciplinary team works with innovative methods and techniques, combining art, science, ITC, and psychology:
About us
- design thinking,
- agile,
- universal design,
- digital storytelling,
- creative writing,
- slam poetry,
- STEAM model for building the competencies of the future and supporting informed entry into the professions of tomorrow.
Our Areas of Expertise
Anti-burnout prevention
Pokazujemy co robić, aby się nie wypalić. Praca w 3 sektorze czy w instytucji kultury wymaga od pasji i zaangażowania. Warto wiedzieć, jak tego nie stracić! Rozwiąż nasz bezpłatny test określający Twój poziom wypalenia.
Third sector well-being
Dbamy o dobrostan psychiczny osób pracujących w 3 sektorze oraz w instytucjach kultury. Prowadzimy warsztaty, coaching indywidualny i grupowy, procesy zmiany — wszystko po to, aby uczynić Waszą pracę lżejszą i lepszą! Sprawdź naszą ofertę.
Research and reports
W ramach realizowanych projektów przeprowadziliśmy kilkanaście badań w obszarze nowych technologii oraz wypalenia zawodowego. Sprawdź nasze raporty i publikacje.
Digital skills and media literacy
We are familiar with new technologies, holistically supporting the digital skills of those working in the NGO and GLAM sectors. Sign up for our free course on designing cultural offerings using new Mobile Culture technologies.
Holistic approach to new technologies
Od lat pokazujemy pracownikom i pracowniczkom instytucji kultury i organizacji pozarządowych jak kreatywnie i efektywnie korzystać z bezpłatnych narzędzi cyfrowych, a także jak je projektować. Zapoznaj się z naszą ofertą.
Our team
President of the Board. She is engaged in informal education, new technologies and intergenerational projects. She creates installations in public space, which she regards as a place for building social capital and dialogue. Experienced coach, sociologist, cultural anthropologist, urban activist.
Psychologist, group trainer and Gestalt psychotherapist in training.
On a daily basis she conducts individual psychotherapy for adults.
At Culture Shock Foundation, she conducts psychological consultations, support groups and workshops. She specializes in counteracting burnout of activist people.
Vice President of the Board. Graduate of Cracow Academy of Fine Arts and Postgraduate Management Studies in Warsaw. She designs games and apps, since 2013 she has been promoting the knowledge of mobile apps in culture and education. Co-author of a book "Business in mobile world". PFA candidate.
Sociologist, manager and musician by education. She helps business owners, educators and entrepreneurs to innovate and design more effective and engaging learning experiences online. She teaches how to use technologies to drive engagement of employees, students and conference participants.
Trainer, coach, theater pedagogue, researcher and performer. She works with various audience groups, including young people, adults, artists and teachers. She supports organizations and institutions operating in the field of socially engaged culture and art. Likes to dance and write poetry.
A polish philologist, culture expert and art therapist by education, a one-man band by profession. For years, she has been exploring various methods of communication, including media, public relations or social media and this is what she does in the foundation. Fascinated less waste cooperative member and the furniture renovator.
Archaeologist by education, programmer by passion and profession. For many years associated with non-governmental organizations in the field of culture. Enthusiast of Open Source ideas. In between programming he deals with digital retouching and preparing photos for print.
Founder and Chairman of the Culture Shock Foundation. Law and Culture Marketing graduate, financier. Enthusiast of art in public space. From birth residing at Skarpa Warszawska whose “reactivation” is a personal goal of his foundation activities.
A graduate of the Illustration Studio and the Multimedia Artistic Creation Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 2015, his works were shown with honors, among others, at the Debut Film Festival in Koszalin, Young and Film, or at the group exhibition at the Zachęta Gallery in Warsaw. He shares his work for an advertising agency with designing books, illustrations and animated films.
Graduate of the Illustration Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 2015 with honors. Her work has been shown at international painting exhibitions, in Warsaw's Zachęta Gallery and national galleries. She worked in an advertising agency, today she designs fabrics and creates animated films.
Editor, cinematographer, budding writer, history and automotive enthusiast. In his spare time he peels couches, carpets and sweaters from the fur of his pets. He dreams of vanlife, living in harmony with nature and a bigger bookshelf.