TRENDSS - Transnational Roadmap for Educators in Digital Soft Skills

The Roadmap for Educators in Digital Soft Skills -TRENDSS project aims to develop innovative tools useful in online education. It was set up as a response to the digital pandemic shift in educational paradigms.

The novelty of the TRENDSS project lies in its integrated approach to the identified need to respond to current issues related to changing thinking about education in the digital age.

The Trainer Survival Kit in the Digital Era

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we witnessed an extraordinary situation where people were forced to work remotely. Online learning got more popular, people started changing their learning habits. Hundreds of educators from cultural institutions reached out to us asking for suggestions on how to prepare, manage and train adults online. As there is a difference between applying and developing soft skills in face-to-face settings and on digital platforms. There is a gap in the availability of materials on how to conduct educational works online.

The Trainer Survival Kit in the Digital Era was conceived as a tool for educators as part of performing their own educational activities in the field of digital education. 

It will consist of a set of practical guidelines and more importantly, a set of specific tips and exercises for digital teachers/trainers/coaches etc. to help them deliver effective courses/sessions which are tailored to the specificalities of the digital platforms. 

Our aim is to create engaging learning activities taking into consideration the unique circumstances of digital instruction.

Please feel free to use and share those exercises, warm ups and games:

1. Self portrait
2. Collage of associations
3. Window view
4. Where are we now?
5. Emotional jukebox
6. Reality filters

Other outputs we’re working on:

Comparative Methodological Guidelines (Theoretical Framework)
Good Practices – Demo Video Tutorials
Comparative Recommendations Regarding Digital Softwares
The Roadmap for Digital Soft Skill Development – Complex E-learning Solution

Why TRENDSS is needed

The world of education will never be the same again. The new situation requires new approaches and new solutions. We intend to incorporate the latest trends and recommend strategic changes that educators should prepare for. We believe that staying up to date with digital solutions is not enough to provide valuable services in modern education. We pay special attention to the development and support in the use of soft skills, in a different way than before.

What sets TRENDSS apart is its integrated approach, recognizing the need for different pedagogical approaches in the digital age and responding to the current issues surrounding the transfer of many learning activities to the online zone. At the same time, we focus on an area in which we have experience: soft skills development and the use of digital tools.

An international perspective on online education:

The international consortium of the TRENDSS project consists of 6 partner organizations:

Yes You Can Training & Coaching Kft from Hungary
Fundacja Culture Shock (it’s us:) from Poland
Helix – Social Innovation Hub  from Greece
NEA from Romania
Udruga Delta from Croatia

They are all experienced actors in adult education (trainers, coaches, mentors, academics).

Our Intellectual Outputs:

The TRENDSS partnership will create practical e-learning modules: demonstration videos with good practices, Survival Kit – a collection of practical information for trainers working with their groups. Besides, within the framework of the “Roadmap for Educators in Digital Soft Skills” a platform will be set up with a number of structured, engaging and interactive exercises in the form of games that will effectively help trainers to improve their skills in the field of soft skills development.  We will show how technology can support online activities, search and test useful applications, help trainers and coaches find practical online tools.

