Thanks to the project “Make it work – tools in coaching”, carried out between 2019-2020, the staff of the Culture Shock Foundation has learned and developed innovative and interdisciplinary tools and methods of working with adults, personal and social skills and coaching competences. We went to the Netherlands twice to take part in the “Practicing coaching” training in November 2019 and in March 2020 in “Training for trainers”. The trainings were carried out by the partner organization Olde Vechte from Ommen in the Netherlands. We will use the knowledge and skills gained during the training (e.g. working with the body, using context, theater techniques) in our next projects, especially in the field of adult education.
The project “Make it work – tools in coaching work” assumed the following main objectives: getting to know and developing innovative and interdisciplinary tools and methods of working with adults, developing personal, social and coaching skills of the staff. Within the framework of the activity Culture Shock Foundation took part in two types of specialized trainings aimed at personal and professional development of its team, “Training for trainers” and “Practicing coaching”. The trainings were carried out by the partner organization Olde Vechte from Ommen in the Netherlands. The Olde Vechte Foundation has been operating since 1966 and its mission is to create an environment for learning in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, care and cooperation. The organization addresses its offer primarily to trainers and educators whose needs cannot be met on the basis of a formal educational model. Knowledge and skills gained during training (e.g. working with the body, using context, theater techniques), members and team members of the Culture Shock Foundation will use them in projects that are already planned for implementation in 2021 and 2022 and in subsequent activities. Thanks to the project, the Culture Shock Foundation has significantly developed and integrated its staff, which has resulted in higher quality and attractiveness of the Foundation’s activities in the field of adult education.
The Culture Shock Foundation’s team, on the one hand, has implemented the newly discovered methods and techniques into their coaching and research workshop, and on the other hand, has redefined and reinterpreted the use of these methods and tools (e.g. the use of mobile applications in the education and training process), which are currently used by the Foundation’s staff and its collaborators. Trainings gave us specific skills, but were also a source of inspiration for the personal development of team members and the development of methods used by the Foundation.